Wednesday, August 08, 2007


WebLogic plugin woes

Neither the WebLogic appserver used by itself or the WebLogic appserver used with the plugin for IIS return a Content-Length header when the JSP page generates content that is more than 12215 bytes. This is fine as long as they return a Connection header (with value of either Keep-Alive or close). The appserver used by itself generates a Connection header all the time; if the content is 12215 bytes or fewer in length, the value of the header is Keep-Alive; if it's 12216 bytes or higher, the value is close. So far, so good. However, the plugin never generates the Connection header (or, looked at another way, never passes it along to the browser). So when the content is longer than 12215 bytes, the browser can't tell how long the content is supposed to be. See the list of ways to determine the length of content at ; since none of the ways apply, there's no way to determine the length of the content.

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